Thursday, February 10, 2011

Questions for 2/10

On page 172, Dickie Selfe recommends that instructors take detailed notes while they are attempting their own multimodal compositions, and he suggests that students will find these notes very helpful. Could this practice be adapted for the classroom somehow, asking students to write their own sets of instructions for pieces of hardware or software?

Cooper talks about the importance of giving students time to play with a technology, and one of her interviewees stresses the importance to have time in a lab but with a teacher present to help. Due to the recent budget cuts, does anyone know if we still even have such a place anywhere on campus? Are there labs available for students to use with knowledgable monitors to assist them? Is there someplace we can send them for such assistance, or do we need to become the experts ourselves and set aside extra class time in order to accomplish this?

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